Design Goals:

The Design goals were to have a compact overall structure and the “brains” of the system would be the Nucleo Development board, STM32F746ZG. We also wanted the levitation to be held stable for at least 5 seconds and to  maintain the heat of the electronic components and the electromagnets at a minimum.

  • 12 Volts to power the Motor Driver modules and Gate of all 4 N-MOSFETs of H-Bridge (current up to 4A) circuit.
  • 3V to power the STM Nucleo board and each electromagnet (4) and Hall-effect sensors and Drain of N-MOSFETs
  • H-bridge is used between power supply and EMs to alternate the polarity.
  • The current range for each electromagnet is limited by the power supply to about 1A
  • Each EM has a resistance of about 3.892 Ohms
  • The Hall-Effect sensors have a linear voltage to Gauss transfer characteristic.
